Monday, June 2, 2008

Is eating soy bad for acne and evening primrose oil acne cure

The reason for this disparity in efficacy of different treatments is the fact that there are different types of skin. People with dry skin (and yes, it is quite possible to have both dry skin and acne at the same time) benefit from moisturizing regularly. To many, this may seem counterintuitive, but having very dry skin slows down the skin's natural healing process, causing acne outbreaks to last longer. Therefore, a moisturizing regimen can be a great benefit to acne sufferers with dry skin. Keeping the skin softer (and healthier) discourages breakouts and keeps them shorter when they do happen.
This kind of acne causes severe scarring on the face and back. Worse still, there is not very much that you can do about it. And for gender, you have Acne Fulminans, a rather serious form of acne, in which the eruption is accompanied by fever and body ache. This kind of acne mainly affects males and erupts suddenly. Other symptoms of this kind of acne include a high white blood cell count, as well as loss of appetite and deep scarring. These are only some examples of the different classifications of acne.
Before you choose a natural acne product, you should check out what it contains and the quality and reputation of the product. You can do this by reading acne treatment reviews and even writing in to ask more questions about the product. You can start by using a gentle skin cleanser that is suitable for acne prone skin. By using an acne facial cleanser, you can help to prevent new acne from forming. Do not use soap or other cleanser that can be too strong or harsh for your skin.
tags: evansville indiana dermatology acne scars, top 10 body acne treatments, acne medication during pregnancy

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