Thursday, July 3, 2008

Best acne wash and severe acne scar removal

Lemon juice and rose water makes up an effective solution that can get rid of your acne, and the marks left behind by acne. And from my personal experience it's the most effective out of any other acne treatments. What you do is actually quite simple, you mix these two ingredients together, 50/50% each. Then you apply the solution to a cotton pad or sponge which you then apply to your acne marks. Leave on for 30 minutes or so, then wash off with warm water!
Hormone production
Finally you will need to take a look at hygiene in general. How often do you change your bed clothes and do you wash your towels everyday. Do you leave you hair hanging over your forehead? Do you take your makeup off over night?
tags: natural ways to remove acne marks, best home remedies for acne, peel for depressed acne scars

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